Download Excel For Macbook Pro

I had an old MacBook Pro that was very slow and I thought that was the reason I was struggling with Excel being excessively slow, each time I click on a box I get the circle of waiting for at least a minute or 2. I bought a new MacBook which is working brilliantly and super fast except for Excel. Free excel viewer free download - Microsoft Excel 2016, MSG Viewer for Outlook, Microspot DWG Viewer, and many more programs.

But what if you work for a math-heavy industry, pharmacology, medicine or sociology, and complex statistical analysis is part of your daily routine? Did you find a user-friendly data analysis tool that works on your Mac?

StatPlus:mac turns your copy of Microsoft Excel for Mac (2004 - 2019) or Apple Numbers into a powerful statistical tool without making you learn another software or part with extraordinary amounts of money. You'll use the familiar interface to perform complex analysis and calculations, enabling you to concentrate on analyzing the results rather than figuring out how to achieve them.

Upgrade Your Spreadsheet

Turn Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers into a powerful statistical package with StatPlus:mac and perform data analysis on a Mac in the familiar environment. Stop wasting your time learning new tools and try StatPlus:mac right away.

70+ Features

StatPlus:mac allows Mac users to perform all forms of data analysis from the very basics to complex analysis, including non-parametric and regression analysis, survival and time series analysis, and a wide variety of other methods. Version 7 includes standalone spreadsheet and can be used without Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers installed.


StatPlus:mac is available for both Mac and PC platforms (PC version includes standalone and Excel add-in versions) at no extra charge. Save learning time and costs for your mixed PC and Mac environment.


Free Trial


We have free trial that gives you an opportunity to evaluate the software before you purchase it. Should you have any questions during the trial period, please feel free to contact our Support Team.

Download Free Excel For Macbook Pro


StatPlus:mac is most affordable solution for data analysis on Mac (with Excel and Numbers support). You will benefit from the reduced learning curve and attractive pricing while enjoying the benefits of precise routines and calculations. Mac/PC license is permanent, there is no renewal charges.

Excel For Apple Macbook Pro


StatPlus:mac requires macOS 10.9-10.15 (macOS Catalina is supported; v5 requires 10.5+). StatPlus:mac supports Microsoft Excel for Mac (supported versions: 2004, 2008, 2011, 2016, 2019) and Apple Numbers v3/v4/v5 as a data source. StatPlus:mac does not require Internet connection (except for optional auto-update feature).

Excel For Macbook Pro Free Download

Statistical features list

  • Pro Features
    • Standalone spreadsheet with Excel (XLS and XLSX), OpenOffice/LibreOffce Calc (ODS) and text documents support.
    • 'Add-in' mode for Excel 2004, 2008, 2011, 2016 and 2019.
    • 'Add-in' mode for Apple Numbers v3, v4 and v5.
    • Priority support.
    • Permanent license and free major upgrades during the maintenance period.
    • Access to Windows version.
    • Options to emulate Excel Analysis ToolPak results and migration guide for users switching from Analysis ToolPak.
  • Basic Statistics
    • Detailed descriptive statistics.
    • One-sample t-test.
    • Two-sample t-test.
    • Two-sample t-test for summarized data.
    • Fisher F-test.
    • One-sample and two-sample z-tests.
    • Correlation analysis and covariance.
    • Normality tests (Jarque-Bera, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, Cramer-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, D'Agostino's tests).
    • Cross-tabulation and Chi-square.
    • Frequency tables analysis (for discrete and continuous variables).
    • Multiple definitions for computing quantile statistics.
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
    • One-way and two-way ANOVA (with and without replications).
    • Three-way analysis of variance.
    • Post-hoc comparisons - Bonferroni, Tukey-Kramer, Tukey B, Tukey HSD, Neuman-Keuls, Dunnett.
    • General Linear Models (GLM) ANOVA.
    • Within subjects ANOVA and mixed models.
  • Multivariate Analysis
    • Principal component analysis (PCA).
    • Factor analysis (FA).
    • Discriminant function analysis.
  • Nonparametric Statistics
    • 2x2 tables analysis (Chi-square, Yates Chi-square, Exact Fisher Test, etc.).
    • Rank and percentile.
    • Chi-square test.
    • Rank correlations (Kendall Tau, Spearman R, Gamma, Fechner).
    • Comparing independent samples
      Mann-Whitney U Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test, Rosenbaum Criterion. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Median test.
    • Comparing dependent samples
      Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, Sign Test, Friedman ANOVA, Kendall's W (coefficient of concordance).
    • Cochran's Q Test.
  • Regression Analysis
    • Multivariate linear regression (residuals analysis, collinearity diagnostics, confidence and prediction bands).
    • Weighted least squares (WLS) regression.
    • Logistic regression.
    • Stepwise (forward and backward) regression.
    • Polynomial regression.
    • Curve fitting.
    • Tests for heteroscedasticity: Breusch–Pagan test (BPG), Harvey test, Glejser test, Engle's ARCH test (Lagrange multiplier) and White test.
  • Time Series Analysis
    • Data processing.
    • Fourier analysis.
    • Smoothing.
    • Moving average.
    • Analysis.
    • Autocorrelation (ACF and PACF).
    • Interrupted time series analysis.
    • Unit root tests - Dickey–Fuller, Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF test), Phillips–Perron (PP test), Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS test).
  • Survival Analysis
    • Life tables.
    • Kaplan-Meier (log rank test, hazard ratios).
    • Cox proportional-hazards regression.
    • Probit-analysis (Finney and LPM).
      LD values (LD50/ED50 and others), cumulative coefficient calculation.
    • Receiver operating characteristic curves analysis (ROC analysis).
      AUC methods - DeLong's, Hanley and McNeil's. Report includes: AUC (with confidence intervals), curve coordinates, performance indicators - sensitivity and specificity (with confidence intervals), accuracy, positive and negative predictive values, Youden's J (Youden's index), Precision-Recall plot.
    • Comparing ROC curves.
  • Data Processing
    • Sampling (random, periodic, conditional).
    • Random numbers generation.
    • Standardization.
    • Stack/unstack operations.
    • Matrix operations.
  • Statistical Charts
    • Histogram
    • Scatterplot.
    • Box plot.
    • Stem-and-leaf plot.
    • Bland-Altman plot.
    • Bland-Altman plot with multiple measurements per subject.
    • Quantile-quantile Q-Q plots for different distributions.
    • Control charts - X-bar, R-chart, S-chart, IMR-chart, P-chart, C-chart, U-chart, CUSUM-chart.